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The skill of financial planning can help an individual lead a better quality of life, and accordingly how to manage your finances is a foundational knowledge every individual should have.

The COVID pandemic lockdown has been an eye-opener for many concerning the lack of financial planning and savings, which led to many not being able to even manage their basic monthly expenses. It made many realise the importance of financial planning, being judicious with their expenses, saving for the rainy day and future, the need for passive income, and much more.


The Inspiration Behind Dhan Dana Dan

Dhan Dana Dan is an effort in that direction by Aryan Jain ( a 16-year-old grade 11 student from Gurgaon, Haryana) to empower consumers to better manage their money, be aware of their short and long-term financial needs, spend money wisely in accordance with their income, save and invest for future needs and emergencies, and invest money to create wealth for the future, for themselves and their families. 

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Aryan’s vision was to take financial education to the masses and he felt there is no better method than to use technology to enable wider access to the educational content, and thus the App Dhan Dana Dan. Through a series of animated videos in a low-mid income urban set-up and a storytelling format guided by the teenager character Sudhir, Dhan Dana Dan explains various important, basic, and necessary concepts of financial planning in very simple terms. There is a quiz at the end of each module that helps the individual to assess their learning outcomes and a reward in the form of a certificate/badge for those who score well on the quiz.


I'm always looking for your feedback on this initiative. Let's connect.

Do mail me at 

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